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Head /Master



1)Head /Master,(小学)校长2)headmasters,小学校长3)Headmaster,Primary School,小学校长4)headmaster,小学校长5)headmasters,中小学校长6)principal,中小学校长7)headmaster,中小学校长8)principals of primary and middle schools,中小学校长9)primary and middle school principals,中小学校长10)master,小学校长(美)


The headmasters of primary schools will encounter with so many difficulties and challenges in this new situation.


An Analysis and Consideration of Problems with Headmasters of Secondary and Primary Schools in Impoverished Areas;


Exploration and Analysis the Effectiveness of the Training for Headmasters in China;


Therefore,it is up to the headmasters to seek special strategies for development,which calls for their quality of self-disgonosis.


The Research on the Competency of Primary and Middle Schools Principals with the Method of Behavioral Event Interview;


Elementary and Middle Schools Principal Non-authority Influence Theoretical Analysis and Practice Discussion;


Based on Web-Education about Research of Training Mode to the Primary and Junior School Principal;


On headmaster s role sense;


Review on Improvement of the Headmaster s Responsibility System of China;


The headmaster is the soul of a primary or middle school.


Promoting the case study in training of principals of primary and middle schools is not just change of teaching method,but is a multi-layer creativity to improve the upgrade of their educational concept and ability to reflect on their practice,the change of teaching training concept and establishment of learning community between th.


The principals of primary and middle schools as a leader and administrator of school take charge of all the work in schools and their ability and behavior in work can affect directly the school- running quality as a whole.


To carry out professional development of principals is necessary for the construction of contingent of principals of primary and middle schools.

实现校长专业化发展是加强中(小学)校长队伍建设的需要 ,而促进校长专业化发展的主要途径是进行有效的专业化培训。

The article compares the credentials system and standard of primary and middle school principals between America and China.


The specialization of primary and middle school principals has become a trend in the world nowadays,and the inplementation of credentials system of primary and middlee school principals is an important guarantee to realize the specialization of primary and middle school principals.

在世界范围内 ,中(小学)校长专业化成为现代教育的一种发展趋势 ,而完善中(小学)校长资格证书制度 ,必然成为实现校长专业化的一个重要保证。

Although primary and middle school principals are aware of the importance and urgency of education research, they lay it aside in their routine work.

(小学)校长从思想上已经认识教育科研的重要性和紧迫性 ,然而 ,在实际工作中却没有把教育科研放在一个重要的位置上 ,甚至不少中小学校至今没有尝试过开展教育科研。

