Based on the method of equilibrium curvature, built-up rate of h.
To meet the demand of higher built-up rate,single-bending screw drill tool with large angle is used during the drilling of the moderate-and short-radius horizontal well.
Experimental research on prediction of build-up rate of BHA in small-diameter hole;
The Influence factors to build-up rate using screw drill such as structure,WOB and borehole parameters in TAHE oilfield was studied,structure and formation factor was considered to be the key factors.
Furthermore,it gave a set of analyzing and calculating method to control the horizontal section trajectory in horizontal well through analyzing the relationship between the geometric attitude of the wellbore trajectory and the build-up rate of the tools.
The technology of a tunnel junction stack diode laser has broad applications,such as a high slope efficiency,high power density and multiwavelength diode laser.