There are different understandings upon time limit of carrier’s delay in delivery theoretically and practically.
However,during the execution of death penalty with a reprieve,the issues of chaning the time limit of death penalty into prison sentence,time limit of executing death penalty as well as its period calculation are still to be f.
This kind of circuit prolongs the used deadline of LCD and improves the display definition.
So it is necessary for us to norms and further define the characteristic,Authorities making decision,scope and deadline,perfect relevant provisions of Reeducation-through-labor system so as to implement it correctl
The computing means of term in China s Administrative License Law initiates differences of opinion.
行政许可法期限的计算方法引发分歧 ,行政复议法期间的计算方法科学合理。
As a special type of ownership, timesharing, or interval ownership will be time-limit ownership or term ownership in nature and it bears the characteristics of the weakening of ownership absoluteness, limited exclusiveness, term limitedness, the coexistence of shared proper.
所有权型分时度假作为一种特殊的所有权形式 ,其性质应为时限所有权或期限所有权 ;所有权型分时度假的法律特征表现为削弱的绝对性、有限的排他性、期限性、一体性、时段登记的技术性和权利主体身份多重性 ;所有权型分时度假的出现是对传统所有权理论的发展和完
On a certain degree,the legislation in China on the term of anti\|dumping,has absorbed some regulations in The Agreement on anti\|dumping.
中国的反倾销立法有关期限的规定 ,在一定程度上吸纳了WTO《反倾销协议》的某些规定 ,但仍有不明确、不完备之处 ,因而迫切需要对其加以完
Based on the risk preference point of view,the paper discusses the choice of labor contract duration,and the efficiency problem incurred from legal regulation of the contract duration.
a credit period, agreement, limit
赊欠期限、 协议、 限额.
The term of the loan is fifteen year.
(1) Expiration of the term of the joint venture;
Latest Date of Shipment
lasting for an indefinitely long period of time.
A contract subject to a time of expiration is extinguished at such time.
A contract subject to a time of commencement becomes effective at such time..
- Content with restricted permission will be accessible for at least one year from the date you restrict permission
- 受限权限内容的可访问期限从您限制权限之日起至少为一年
The term for royalty payment is the same as the term for technology transfer agreement stipulated in Article 19 of this contract.
On the Perfection of the Detaining Term System--From the Perspective of the Relations between the Detaining Term and the Term in Handling a Case;
but the two months expire next week.
Dies cedit(cedens)
Dies venit(veniens)
(3) The term of the lease (fixed or indefinite);
period for reply to notification
A term of service, especially of military service.
maximum length of contributory service
Could you please extend the credit for me?