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古诗词 造句大全 元素周期表

potential loss



1)potential loss,潜在损失2)potential loss of life,潜在生命损失值3)YPLL,潜在寿命损失年4)WYPLL,潜在工作损失年5)Years of potential life lost,潜在寿命损失年6)PYLL,潜在寿命损失年


The indicator refer to individual risk, social risk and potential loss of life.


The mortality,years of potential life lost(YPLL)and working years of potential life lost(WYPLL)were calculated.


Results The mortality of liver cancer in the past 23 years all along tended to higher, YPLL and WYPLL were the highest among all kinds of malignant cancers.

方法 对 2 3年间肝癌死亡统计调查资料进行死亡率变化趋势分析 ;计算潜在寿命损失年 (YPL L )和潜在工作损失年(WYPL L )并与其他恶性肿瘤比较。

The mortality,years of potential life lost(YPLL)and working years of potential life lost(WYPLL)were calculated.


Results The mortality of liver cancer in the past 23 years all along tended to higher, YPLL and WYPLL were the highest among all kinds of malignant cancers.

方法 对 2 3年间肝癌死亡统计调查资料进行死亡率变化趋势分析 ;计算潜在寿命损失年 (YPL L )和潜在工作损失年(WYPL L )并与其他恶性肿瘤比较。

The analysis of years of potential life lost of the residents in Huangshan city 1996-2001;


Years of potential life lost(YPLL)were analyzed and potential life lost rate by full death of abridged life table and excluding injury death of life table.


Methods The data of death among the residents in Webzhou from 2003-2007 were classified according to ICD-10,and birth rate,mortality,proportion of death causes and years of potential life lost(YPLL) were calculated and analyzed by using Death Reg 2002 software.


Objective To analyze the causes of death and potential years of life lost (PYLL) for the o ccupational population in Tai an from the year 1990 to 2000, and to find the seq uence of death causes and the priority of health problems of the population.

目的 分析泰安市 1990~ 2 0 0 0年职业人群的死因谱及潜在寿命损失年 (PYLL)以探讨职业人群的死因顺位和主要的卫生问题。

