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trising from tempering float glass



1)trising from tempering float glass,钢化彩虹2)temper,钢化3)tempering,钢化4)glass toughening,玻璃钢化5)Tempered Glass,钢化玻璃6)quenching,钢化淬冷7)PET's steel slice,PET钢化片8)horizontal temper,水平钢化9)tempered blossom,钢化虹彩10)windshield mold for toughing,钢化风栅


This paper studied on the aerodynamic characteristics and velocity profile of air current in tempering furnace when Low-E glass is tempered and convective heat transfer is put into effect by air-stream introduction .


The differences in tempering process between small thin and thick pieces of glass have been pointed out , technical index of heating furnace and wind grating have also been introduced .


The principle and methods of tempering glass using radiation and convection technique are reviewed, and also the performances of various horizontal glass tempering furnaces are analyzed and compared.

介绍了Low E玻璃的光学特性及其对传热的影响 ,对辐射 对流钢化工艺的原理和方法进行了综述 ,并分析和比较了当前各种玻璃水平钢化炉的特点 。

By analysis and deduction of the tempering of glass in ideal conditions,this paper intends to give a corresponding mathematic description systematically.


Three dimensional thermal tempering of glass plate has been simulated by using the non-linear FEM.


It has been discovered and demonstrated, via scanning electron microscope examination on 6 samples of broken glasses, that one important cause for the spontaneous breakage in tempered glass occurs as a result of the single-phase polycrystalline silicon particles, rather than simply the nickel sulfide (NiS) particles that are commonly recognized to be the main cause for the spontaneous breakage.

通过对 6 块玻璃自爆残片的电镜观察和成分分析,发现并证明了引起钢化玻璃自爆的主要原因不仅仅是传统认识中的硫化镍(NiS)微粒,很多情况是由单质硅微粒引起的。

The causes of bend and distortion of tempered glass were discussed and some solutions were also suggested under any circumstances.


Beijing Botanical Garden Exhibition Greenhouse uses point type glass curtain wall with imported tempered glass from French.

北京植物园展览温室采用点式玻璃幕墙 ,其钢化玻璃均从法国进口 ,抗弯强度和弹性模量能否采用现有的中国幕墙规范数值是个问题。

This article described the principle of warming up glass with horizontal tempered process,presented a method to speed up heating glass and laid the groundwork for manufacturing horizontal or bending tempering furnace .


Therefore some directed measures can be taken so as to avoid occurrence of tempered blossom of float glass , improve the glass quality and reduce the tin consumption .


