The various factors affecting on the Gd,Tb and Dy separation were studied in P507-HCl chromatography system.
Determination of fifteen trace elements in uranium-niobium ceramic materials by reversed phase chromatography and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry;
Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometric determination of twelve micro elements in burnable poison (Gd,U)O_2 after separation by reversed phase chromatography;
Water soluble soil humic acids were analyzed from seven different soils in England by gel filtration chromatography(GFC)followed by indentifing in 290nm using UV-Vis absorption spectrophotometer.
采用水浸取法和硅胶色层法 ,通过紫外吸收光谱峰定性鉴定了英格兰七种土壤水溶性腐殖酸 。
With sandstone copper mine as an example in Hui li,this paper dealt with its classification feature and contributing factor of light color gradation, and its application in the penetic and exploration on copper mine.