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thick wall chamber



1)thick wall chamber,厚壁电离室2)thick wall ionization chamber,厚壁电离室3)thick wall,厚壁4)thick walls,厚壁5)thick leg,厚壁6)Thick wall cylinder,厚壁圆筒7)thick-wall tube,厚壁管8)thickness nozzle,厚壁接管9)thick wall pipe,厚壁管10)thick wall spherical shell,厚壁球壳


The author analyzed the reasons for the collapse hole,contracted hole and wrinkle resulted in DB941 series of the emission tubes with the thick wall which were made from 95%Al2O3 porcelain,and put out the measures to solve them,which meets the needs of the production.

对用95%A l_2O_3瓷制厚壁发射管D B941系列产品会造成塌坑、缩孔、皱纹等缺陷进行了分析,并探索其产生的原因,提出了解决的方法,满足了生产所需。

A type of thermal rotary extruding technology,which is used for shaping thick wall seal heads,was studied and tested.

研究并试验了厚壁封头成形的热旋加工工艺 ,摸索出适宜的加热方式和加热部位 ,选择出合适的加热温度区域 ,从而对提高封头旋压机的生产能力 ,改善封头成形质量 ,提高成形效率 ,提供了可靠的科学依据和方法。

The drawing process of thick wall semi spherical heads is analyzed through dividing the billet into four regions.

针对厚壁半球形封头的拉深成形 ,将板坯分成 4个区域 ,根据每个区域的应力分布特点 ,对每个区域的壁厚变化规律做了理论上的推导与计算 ,并将理论计算值同有限元模拟结果比较 ,得到了很好的效

A method of automatic ultrasonic detection for tubes with thick walls are introduced.


The ductility analysis of R.C.shaped columns with thick leg;


Study the worst loaded angle of RC T-shaped columns with thick leg;


A hydraulic method for determining incipient yield pressure of thick wall cylinder;


This paper performs the limit analysis of a thick wall cylinder of linear strengthened material based on the unified strength theory.

运用统一强度理论对承受内压的拉压屈服强度不同的 线性强化材料的厚壁圆筒进行了极限载荷分析,得到了适用 于多种材料的厚壁圆筒极限载荷的统一解析式。

Using elastic solution of thick wall cylinder, it is analyzed that the optimum design on three-layers assembled cavity die of cold extrusion under the elastic limit stress.

应用厚壁圆筒的弹性解 ,分析了冷挤压三层组合凹模具有最大弹性极限时的优化设计 ,推导了三层组合凹模的最大承压、各层分界面半径和分界面过盈量的优化设计计算公式。

The process for preparing TC4 thick-wall tube by radial forging was studied.


The main parameters of open-die cold extrusion without mandrel of thick-wall tube are analyzed.


By elaboration and comparison of the principle of three methods for high pressure water distributor opening-reinforcement,in consideration of the manufacture and field installation,this article points out that the simplest,safely,the effective method is to use thickness nozzle making up symmetrically.


The flow and heat transfer of HDPE thick wall pipe at die parallel lend (DPL) and calibration sleeve (CS) were analyzed in this paper, also a new method for calculating specific heats from DSC diagrams was put forward at melt-solid two phases model.


This paper makes the Autofrettage analysis of thick wall spherical shell of linear strength material based on unified strength theory.


This paper presents a new method to calculate the limit load of thick wall cylinder and thick wall spherical shell based on Yus Unified Strength Theory and a Unified solutions are obtained.

采用俞茂宏统一强度理论分析了厚壁圆筒和厚壁球壳的极限荷载 ,得出了统一解形式。

