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odd odd nucleus

基本解释奇 奇核


1)odd odd nucleus,奇 奇核2)singular kernel,奇核3)odd nucleus,奇核4)odd-odd nuclei,奇-奇核5)odd-odd nuclei,奇奇核6)odd odd nucleus,奇奇核7)odd-odd nucleus,奇奇核8)odd-odd 188Au,双奇核188Au9)deformed odd-odd 184Au,双奇核184Au10)doubly nuclei,双奇核


Signature inversion in odd-odd nuclei in the mass region A100;


Energy spectrum of yrast bands of odd-odd nuclei in the region of mass 160 are studied by particle-rotor model (PRM).


The well known axial rotor plus quasiparticle model for odd nuclei is generalized to odd-odd nuclei.


The energy levels of the odd odd nucleus 84 Y are calculated by using the axially symmetric rotor plus quasiparticles model.

用粒子 转子理论模型计算奇奇核84Y的能谱 ,通过分析能谱的最近邻能级间距分布函数和能谱刚性度的变化特点 ,研究了准粒子特征对奇奇核84Y能谱统计特点的影响 ,发现奇奇核84Y的能谱总体上接近混沌 ;在采用的理论模型中 ,准粒子特征通过反冲项和科氏力作用项影响能谱 ,同时能谱具有随着费米能和能隙参量的减小从接近混沌逐渐转变到接近规则的特

The high spin states of odd odd nucleus 170 Ta were populated via the 155 Gd( 19 F,4n) 170 Ta reaction with beam energy of 97 MeV provided by the HI 13 tandem accelerator of China Institute of Atomic Energy.

用 97MeV的1 9F束通过1 55Gd( 1 9F ,4n) 1 70 Ta反应布居了奇奇核1 70 Ta的高自旋态 ,将1 70 Ta的 3个转动带推向了更高的自旋态 ,并观测到了半退耦带的旋称反转点 ,将其自旋值定在了 1 9。

The energy levels of odd-odd nucleus 84 Y at low spins were calculated by using the axially symmetric particles plus rotor model.

用轴对称粒子 -转子理论模型计算奇奇核84Y低自旋下的能谱 ,研究了能谱的最近邻能级间距分布和能谱刚性度随自旋的变化规律 ,并对该模型中特定形式的质子 -中子相互作用和科氏力作用对能谱统计特征的影响作了分析 。

The yrast bands of doubly nuclei 118Cs, 120Cs, 122Cs, 124Cs and 126Cs have been calculated within the two quasi-particles plus tri-axially deformed rotor model and the the theoretical results coincide with the experiment well.

作者利用二准粒子 +三轴形变转子模型 ,计算了1 1 8Cs,1 2 0 Cs,1 2 2 Cs,1 2 4 Cs和1 2 6Cs 5个双奇核的晕带能谱 ,理论结果与实验符合较好 。

