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Medium type



1)Medium type,中型2)medium section mill,中型轧机3)pilot test,中型试验4)medium-size rig,中型钻机5)middle-sized steel,中型材6)medium blast furnace,中型高炉


The production situation,including selection of pass schedule,characteristic of pass design,trial rolling process as well as whole process,of having applying the technique of producing 270mm seamless tube blank on 550 medium section mill is introduced and summarized in the paper.

介绍了Φ550mm 中型轧机上采用Φ270mm 圆管坯轧制圆钢的生产情况,包括孔型系统的选择,孔型设计的特点,试轧情况及对试制过程进行了概括总结。

The pass design of large gauge 20/12 5 unequal angle steel on medium section mill were introduced The butterfly pass and final pass design were mainly introduced The production show that the yield and percent of pass respectively reaches 90 62% and 99 57%,and the product quality meet the demand of standar

介绍了在唐钢中型轧机上开发 2 0 /1 2 5号大规格不等边角钢蝶式孔、成品孔的孔型设计情况。

A pilot test of Middle Pressure Hydro-Upgrading process (MHUG) for CGO and FCC LCO has been carried out and the result shows that naphtha, jet fuel and diesel with high cetane number, low sulfur and nitrogen content, and low setting point have been produced by upgrading inferior gas oil.

对焦化柴油和催化裂化柴油进行中压加氢改质工艺的中型试验 ,将劣质柴油改质后可生产石脑油馏分、喷气燃料组分以及高十六烷值、低硫、低氮的低凝柴油。

Remote measurement and unattended system for middle-sized steel product;


In this paper,author analyses the medium blast furnace and point out its advantage is easy of intensificatlon,but the shortcoming is lower of labor capacity.

分析了中型高炉的优点是容易强化 ,它的缺点是劳动生产率低 ,从长远来看 ,应当大型

