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Medium-voltage electrical system



1)Medium-voltage electrical system,中压电站2)intermediate frequency generating station at intermediate voltage,中频中压电站3)Medium pressure,中压4)mid-pressure,中压5)middle pressure,中压6)medium voltage,中压


With the example of one medium pressure piping in a chemical plant and the safety evaluation of the existed flaw discovered in the inspection, in this paper, the inspection aspects and safety evaluation method used to medium pressure piping were presented.

本文以某化工厂一中压蒸汽管道的检验为例 ,并结合检验中发现超标缺陷的安全评定 ,提出了中压蒸汽管道的检验内容和安全评价方

The principle,action and control process of permanent magnet driven machinery were introduced,its characteristic was analyzed,and its application to medium pressure vacuum circuit breaker was expounded.


The process scheme and main features of the 1 million tpy mid-pressure hydro-upgrading unit with single stage and two catalysts in series in the Refinery of Yanshan Petrochemical Company were introduced together with feedstock, products, operating conditions and material balance as well as major equipment of the unit and others.

0 Mt/a中压加氢改质装置的流程和主要特点,原料、产品、操作条件和物料平衡,以及装置的主要设备等。

Technical progresses in mid-pressure hydrocracking, residual oil ebullated-bed hydrocracking and moving bed hydrocracking were also introduced.


In this paper,we list corroding phenomenon in production installation of nitric acid in middle pressure, research it's principle and give some way to resolve it following corresponding theory and linking the practical experience of chemical industry where are production installation of nitric acid in middle pressure.

列举了中压法生产硝酸装置中存在的设备腐蚀和管道腐蚀等现象 ,研究其腐蚀机理 ,并且从相应的理论出发 ,结合多家企业生产硝酸的实际经验 ,就文中涉及到的几处腐蚀问题提出了处理方

(1)High pressure hydrocracking directly producing the III series clean diesel using vacuum gas oil as the feedstock and the middle pressure hydrocracking directly producing the II series standard clean diesel.

介绍了抚顺石油化工研究院开发的几种可直接生产符合《世界燃料规范》II类、Ⅲ类标准清洁柴油的加氢技术 :①以减压瓦斯油为原料直接生产Ⅲ类标准清洁柴油的高压加氢裂化技术 ,以及直接生产Ⅱ类标准清洁柴油的中压加氢裂化技术 ;②直馏柴油、焦化柴油深度加氢精制技术 ;③正在开发中的采用贵金属催化剂的催化裂化柴油两段法深度脱硫、脱芳烃加氢技术。

Pros and cons as well as the effect of upgrading inferior FCC gas oils by caustic treating, hydrotreating, middle pressure hydro-upgrading and solvent refining etc.


Simulation and modeling of medium voltage power line channels;


The technical features of medium voltage high power inverter and the basic structure of its electric circuits are analyzed.

本文对中压大功率电动机变频调速的技术特点和电路结构进行了分析 ,阐述了多电平变频器的工作原理。

This article relates to the results and recent trends of the medium voltage vacuum circuit breaker is the technical progress.


