英语单词 汉英字典 汉英词典 高中 CET4 CET6 TOEFL 考研 IELTS GRE 英语短语 行业英语
偏旁部首 拼音查字 笔画查字 汉字结构 汉字笔顺 汉字拆字
成语组合 成语组词 近义词 反义词
词语组合 词语组词
古诗词 造句大全 元素周期表

fundamental mode



1)fundamental mode,主振动形式2)principal mode of vibration,主振动形式3)principal oscillation,主振荡,主振动4)main vibration model,主振型5)basic vibration,主振动6)Main vibration part,主振部件7)Principal vibration spring,主振弹簧8)main vibration frequency,主振频率9)dominant mode,主振型10)normal mode of vibration,主振型


This paper discusses the intrinsic behavior of belt conveyer by means of the dynamic equation of belt conveyer,derives its intrinsic frequency equation,and builds the main vibration model on the four-order intrinsic frequency and two-order intrinsic frequency of a conveyer with/without load with MATLAB software.


It has studied the basic vibration of the discrete system,and the solid vibration natural frequencies and fundamental modes have been obtained.

对离散化后链状系统在某一主振型下的振动即主振动进行了研究 ,提出了用计算机模拟提升机整体振动的某一主振动的方法 ,从而可直观地了解该系统主振动的情况 ,为研究塔式多绳摩擦提升机的主振动特性提供了一个切实可行的方法 ,并给出了计算机程序流程

And by regressing analysis of practical test data,the main vibration frequency forecast formula under special condition is gained.


It has been discussed in the article we can solve the problem of the natural frequency of the system and the dominant mode by inverse iterative method of matrix.

讨论了如何利用矩阵反迭代法求系统固有频率及主振型的问题 ,简要介绍了迭代过程及精度控制问题 ;并对计算板梁组合结构固有频率的自编计算机程序作了简要说明。

With the recurrent formulas introduced in this paper we can quickly and conveniently calculate the natural frequencies and dominant modes of torsional vibrations.


In the paper the normal mode of vibration is analysed under the conditions that all auxiliary coefficients of frequency euqations are zero and frequency equations have recursive roots during calculation of structure vibration.

对结构振动计算中振动方程副系数全为零且方程有重根的主振型进行了讨论 ,并通过对算例的介绍 ,提出了计算方法 。

In the paper the normal mode of vibration is analysed under the conditions that all auxiliary coefficients of vibration equations are zero in calculating structure vibration.

对结构振动计算中振动方程副系数全为零的主振型分析 ,本文进行了讨论 ,且通过对算例的介绍 ,提出了计算方法 。

:In the paper the normal mode of vibration is analyzed under the conditions that all auxiliary coefficients of frequency equations are zero and frequency equations have recursive roots during calculation of structure vibration moreover vibration.


