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liquidity index



1)liquidity index,液性指数2)liquid index,液性指数3)liquidity factor,液性指数4)fluid productivity index,采液指数5)produced fluid index,产液指数6)liquefaction index,液化指数


In order to acquidity the liquidity index of clay soil,people usually measure its moisture ratios under natural status,liquidity limit and plastic limit,and then calculate the value of liquidity index by known formulas.


Inquiry on determination of soil standard value of ultimate bearing capacity of end of piles by liquid index in technical code for building pile foundations;


Based on linear deformation theory under gravity force,the relationship between liquid index and effective gravity is proposed and analyzed after study of stree~strain relationship of soil under three different states.


The paper discusses the effect of the soil sample taken with a thin wall soil sampler upon the unconfined compression test(qu) when the sample is tested on different areas, the affect of different axial strain control and pressuring methods on the value (qu) as well as clasifying the clay soil states based on the liquidity factor(IL) and qu.


This paper discusses measures to improve retaining rate of injected water in reservoir in late stage of oilfield development through analyzing the relationships between retaining rate of injected water and the ratio of total oil produced to OOIP, pressure, and fluid productivity index.


This paper analyzed the variation of the fluid productivity index and oil productivity index in Wenmi oilfield and their affected factors in which include the effects of crude viscosity and starting pressure gradient on these two indexes with changes of water-cut.


The main parameters of optimized design to fracture are dimensionless fluid productivity index,dimensionless proppant number and dimensionless fracture conductivity,and it is the key that understands the relationship of these to optimum design of hydraulic fracturing.


Three hundred exploration drill-hole data in Panjin was collected;liquefaction index and liquefaction judgement were calculated;liquefaction index and liquefaction zoning for Panjin were carried out.


New liquefaction index is presented on the basis of analyzing the liquefaction index of GBJ50011-2001.


If a confining bed exists,the liquefaction index calculation should cover both inte- grated liquefaction index and the index for each be.

在工程实践中,在对饱和土进行液化判别时,笔者认为:在计算饱和土液化的标准贯入点深度时, 应从未整平改造前的原始地形的地面起算;不连续的多层可能液化地层其水位计算时应按各层的水位深度采分别计算;有隔水层相隔时,液化指数计算不仅要计算钻孔的综合液化指数,还应计算各层的液化指数。

