An anionic/nonionic mixed surfactant (mass ratio 7/3) in ≥30% aqueous solution, denoted as SB3, is evaluated in Laboratory for improving flowability of superheavy crude in tubing of steam huffpuff wells of faulted block reservoir Shan6 of Binnan, Shengli.
在实验室评价了质量比7/3的阴离子/非离子混合表面活性剂降粘剂SB 3(有效物含量≥30%)对胜利滨南油田单6断块蒸汽吞吐井超稠油井筒乳化降粘的性能。
Determination of ppb level anions in sulfolane by ion chromatography with a novel column-switching injection system;
The application of anion exchange resins in anionic surfactant recovery in colloidal sheaf-increasing solution;
Effects of Anions on OH Stretching Raman Spectra of Water;
HPLC Determination of 7 Anions in Environmental Water;
Design and synthesis of novel tweezer anion receptors based on deoxycholic acid and molecular recognition properties for anions;
Simultaneous Determination of Nine Anions in Rainwater and Slush by Ion Chromatography;
Poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA)-based polyanion was prepared by esterification of PVA with sulfuric acid.
Recent progress on the polyanion-type cathode materials for lithium ion batteries is reviewed.
This paper narrates the research situation of one-canwater-borne polyurethane coatings including anionic one-can water-borne polyurethane coatings, cationic one-can water-borne polyurethane coatings and modified one-can water-borne polyurethane coatings.
A kind of anionic thermo-sensitive hydrogel wit h high swelling ratio was prepared by the co-polyme- rization of N-isopropyl acrylamide (NIPA) monomer and 3-sulfopropyl acrylate potassium salt (SPAPS) wi th little amount in the presence of N,N-methylene-bisacrylamide (MBA).
以N -异丙基丙烯酰胺为单体与少量丙烯酸(3 -磺酸 )丙酯钾盐共聚 ,以N ,N -亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交联剂 ,得到一种具有较大溶胀比的阴离子型温敏水凝胶 。
Nanosized TiO2 was modified by water-based anionic hyperdispersant in order to obtain steady nanosized TiO2 aqueous suspension.