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minimal obliquity



1)minimal obliquity,最小倾角2)maximum inclining angle,最大倾角3)optimum tilted angle,最佳倾角4)optimum tilt angle,最佳倾角5)optimum slope,最佳倾角6)optimum slope angle,最佳倾角


Based on the machining principle analysis of the nature ruled surfaces, the technologies of NC programming for intricate nature ruled surfaces by wire-EDM were studied, including the profile marking standard, the algorithm of seeking corresponding points, equal-error synchro-linear approximation of profiles and the method to calculate the maximum inclining angle of ruling.

基于对直纹面加工原理的分析 ,研究了复杂直纹面电火花线切割加工数控编程的相关技术 :轨迹标注原则、对应点的求取算法、对应曲线的等误差同步线性逼近方法以及电极丝最大倾角的计算方法 。

In this paper, by the motion analysis of four-axis wire-Electric Discharge Machining (WEDM) machine tools, it is concluded that, during the machining of intricate ruled surfaces only with linear boundary curves, the maximum inclining angle of the wire and the maximum displacements of the machining table and the wire guiding head occur on the vertices of the boundary lines.

通过分析四轴联动电火花线切割 (WEDM )数控机床的运动 ,发现在复杂直纹面的WEDM加工中 ,电极丝的最大倾角、上丝架和工作台的最大行程均发生在上下轮廓对应直线段的端点处 。

Research shows capacity of photovoltaic array can be confirmed,if generic program of optimum sizing stand-alone photovoltaic systems is adopted,and using days of storage of batteries equal to zero,at the same time the tilted angle with yields of the highest value of radiation in the month with the lowest radiation is considered as the optimum tilted angle.


The optimum tilted angle of fixed photovoltaic array toward the equator depends on the nature of loads besides the meteorological and geographical features,the characteristics of the three loads,balanced,seasonal and provisional,were studied.

朝向赤道的固定式光伏方阵最佳倾角除了取决于当地的气象和地理条件以外 ,还与负载的性质有关。

In determining the optimum tilted angle of fixed arrays for a stand-alone photovoltaic power system with steady load throughout a year, the continuity, uniformity and maximum of solar radiation on the surface should be considered comprehensively.


According to the anisotropic Hay s model of the sky-diffuse radiation and the calculation of solar radiation of tilted surface, a mathematical equation for explicit calculation of the optimum tilt angle on a tilted surface toward the equator during heating season was developed.

根据天空散射辐射各向异性的 Hay模型 ,计算倾斜面上辐射量 ,推导得到了冬半年朝向赤道倾斜面最佳倾角的数学表达式 。

A method of determining the optimum tilt angle of fixed PV arrays based on CAD method is presented.


It is found that the output power of the PV panel with a seasonal optimum tilt angle is increased by 12% in comparison with that of a horizontal panel,and the output power is decreased by about 5% when the temperature of the panel .


The optimum design was studied and calculation of the optimum slope were presented.

研究了非聚光的任意方位角倾斜面上太阳辐射的计算 ,其中散射辐射的计算采用 Hay模型 ,给出了最佳倾角的计算 ,为固定式太阳能利用装置的最佳设计提供了理论依据。

Tow parts are included in the paper: The study on the single crystalline silicon selective emitter solar cell and study on optimum slope design in PV engineering.


The optimum slope angle of PV arrays at different azimuth angles were researched in the paper.


the optimal inclination angle is from 70° to 90°and the optimal charging ratio is around 50%;


Best Angle of Tandem Solar Collector in LHASA


Research on optimal tilt angle of fixed PV panel


Investigation on Optimum Tilt Angles of Solar Radiation Absorbing Surfaces


The Best Calculation Principle of Retroversion Degrees of Retroversion Osteotomy


including Best Actress, Best Director and Best Screenplay.


Chicago received thirteen nominations, including Best Picture, Best Actress, and Best Director.


He maximized his role.


Study on Best Information Rule of WTO Antidumping Agreement;


Study on the Rule of Best Information Available in Antidumping Law


A Preliminary Research on Optimal Receivable Information Rule in Anti-dump Law


A New Study of the Best Record of Shot-putting and the Best Putting Angle;


the political orientation of those who hold that a republic is the best form of government.


Best Supporting Actress (nom) The Grifters 1990 Academy

最佳女配角(提名) 《骗子》 1990 奥斯卡金像奖

The central part of cornea is the best site for measuring intraocular pressure.


and earned him yet another Oscar nomination.


She won an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress.


"Hero"will compete for a Best Foreign Language Film Oscar. "


