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Double Port Random Memory DPRAM



1)Double Port Random Memory DPRAM,双口随机存储器2)double top;double welt,双口3)Dual-RAM,双口RAM4)Dual-port RAM,双口RAM5)two-port network,双口网络6)dual port RAM,双口RAM7)dual port RAM,双口 RAM8)dual ram,双口RAM9)double-port network,双口网络10)two port control,双口控制


Whether the conflict takes place when the dual-RAM was accessed by ADC and DSP simultaneously was the crucial problem of the design of the system.


Application of Dual-Port RAM in data communication between DSP and microcontroller;


Research on parallel communication based on dual-port RAM in the noncompetitive pattern;


Application of dual-port RAM to data-acquisition system;


The types of interconnection of two-port networks are: series,parallel,series-parallel,parallel-series and cascade connection.


Considering the changes of a power system in topology and on the basis of the two-port network theory, a fast method to calculate the open-port voltage of positive sequence network during a large-scale power system oscillation, which is caused by asymmetrical open-conductor faults, is presented.

基于双口网络理论 ,对继电保护整定计算过程中大型电力系统非全相振荡时任意时刻正序网断相口开路电压的计算方法进行了深入研究 ,提出了一种能自动适应电力系统网络操作 ,可快速计算大型电力系统非全相振荡时任意时刻正序网断相口开路电压的新方法 ,并应用这一方法解决了继电保护整定计算中快速计算大型电力系统非全相振荡时任意时刻电气量的问题。

tuner or the televisor in VHF band by the theory of Two-port network and filter.


An Interface Design of High-speed Communication Between PC104 and DSP Based On Dual Port RAM;


Therefore we propose a new data acquisition and processing system for wheel flat detection using high-speed floating-point DSP chip TMS320c6xxx,multi-channel parallel AD converter chip ADSxxxx,complex programmable logic device EMP7xxx and dual port RAM chip IDT7xxxx.

针对当前铁路系统对轮轨扁疤检测设备的安全性、高效性、智能性提出的要求,提出了一种新的基于高速浮点DSP芯片TMS320 c6xxx、多路并行AD转换芯片ADSxxxx、复杂可编程逻辑器件EMP7xxx和双口RAM芯片IDT7xxxx的轮轨扁疤数据采集与处理系统,并详细说明了系统的设计与实现方法,以及系统与上位系统的通信方式和电路板的抗干扰性设计。

It used the high speed 8-bit single chip ATmega64,ATmega16 and the international normative CAN bus,with the structure of dual processor and dual port RAM IDT7130.

利用AVR 8位高速单片机ATmega64和ATmega162以及具有国际标准的CAN总线,采用双处理器、双口RAMIDT7130数据缓存的结构,设计了一个用于工业现场液位控制调节的智能控制器。

This paper brings forward a technical scheme of using dual port RAM and USB implementing real-time acqui- sition of logging data,and briefly introduces the design of hardware,firmware,driver and application programming.

文中利用双口 RAM 和 USB 总线来实现测并数据的实时采集和处理,对硬件系统、固件程序、驱动程序和应用程序进行了分析、设计。

In this article,several ways for dual RAMto avoid conflict when operating are introduced,the interˉface of field bus and industrial Ethernet in automation system are also given.


In this paper, the g-parameters of double-port networks in series-parallel connection are deduced, and its application in circuit analysis is introduced.


A kind of control scheme that can easily realize high order zero static error characteristics is presented, based on internal model control(IMC) Theoretical analysis of its robustness stability and zero static error tracking performance are studied Simulation results show that the two port control system can realize high accuracy tracking for input signals having high speed and high acceleratio

基于 MATLAB的仿真表明 :双口控制结构可实现对高速度、高加速度指令信号的高精度跟

