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employee director



1)employee director,职工董事2)workers sitting in the board of directors,职工董事3)worker director,职工董事4)workers in the board of directors,职工董事5)workers in the board of directors and the board of supervisors,职工董监事6)workers sitting in the board of directors & board of supervisors,职工董事监事


This article discusses the characteristics on the workers sitting in the board of directors and workers sitting in the board of supervisors of China,through the comparison with the industrial relations system of western countries and the directors and supervisors of the company laws at home and abroad.

本文通过对职工董事、职工监事制度的历史考察和分析 ,并通过与西方国家的职工参与制度 ,以及与普通董事、监事的比较 ,对我国职工董事、职工监事的特殊性进行了探讨 ,认为现阶段 ,我国职工董事、职工监事无论在性质、适用范围、人数等方面都具有不同于西方国家董事、监事和普通董事、监事的显著特点 ,而如何根据上述特点完善这一制度是充分发挥职工董事、职工监事制度作用的重要前提。

The workers status in the system of workers sitting in the board of directors & board of supervisors should be the representatives of labor force property rights.

职工董事、职工监事的身份应当是劳动力产权的代表 ,劳动力产权问题是工会理论与实践的出发点 ,职工以劳动力产权代表的身份进入董事会、监事会 ,有利于确定职工的主体地位和独特的权益。

The author makes an analysis about the origin and gains and losses of worker director, and brings up own viewpoint about the same question in China.


The workers in the board of directors and the board of supervisors who are in the corporate governance is an important measure of promoting the development of reform of SOEs and carrying out the CPC s principle of relying whole-heartedly on the working class.

职工董事、监事进入公司治理结构 ,是推进国有企业改革和发展 ,贯彻落实党的“全心全意依靠工人阶级”方针的重大举措 ,是建立现代企业制度 ,对国有企业实行公司制改革 ,完善和规范法人治理结构的必然要求。

On the Workers Status in the System of Workers Sitting in the Board of Directors & Board of Supervisors;


The Property Right System Reform and the System of Workers Sitting in the Board of Directors & Board of Supervisors;


A Study on the Legal Problems about the System of Workers Sitting in the Board of Directors & Board of Supervisors in China;


A Consideration of Actively Promoting the Workers Sitting in the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors;


On the Law about System of Workers Sitting in the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors in Non-public Owned Enterprises;


A Consideration of Workers in the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors Who Participate in Corporate Governance;


On the Legal Consideration of Establishing the System of Workers Sitting in the Board of Directors & Board of Supervisors;


On the Relationship between the System of Making Staff Workers to be Directors and Supervisors and the System of Worker s Congress;


A tentative discussion on the relationship between the system of worker s sitting in the board of directors & board of supervisors and the workers congress system;


The Problems in the Board of Directors and Worker-supervised System of the Public-ownership Enterprise


An Exploration of Establishing and Perfecting the System of the Workers Sitting in the Board of Directors & Board of Supervisors in the Course of Ownership Transition in the Oil Field;


"The vice-chairmen assist the chairman in his work. When the chairman is unable to perform his duties, the vice-chairman designated by the chairman performs his duties on his Behalf."


Members of the Board of directors shall include representatives of the staff and workers of the company.


Representatives of staff and workers on the Board of directors are chosen by the company's staff and workers by democratic election.


The Effect of Board Working Style on Board Role in Chinese Family Business


In the case of authorization to the chairman of the board of directors to exercise part of the board of directors power of office when the board of directors is not in session


On Introducing Independent Directors to Improve the Function of Board of Directors;

引进独立董事制度 完善董事会职能

He writes his letter of resignation to the chairman .


