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pot plants



1)pot plants,盆栽植物2)bonsai,"[农]盆栽植物,盆栽树木"3)potted plant,盆栽4)Pot experiment,盆栽5)Pot culture,盆栽6)potted experiment,盆栽


The generation of negative air ions(NAI) was investigated by pot plants when high-voltage pulses were applied to soil.


Based on the successful experience of the replanting of potted plant trees in Tianyi square,this paper discusses about the method of the replanting way of big trees in different conditions,thus pointing out its application in similar projects.


The result of potted plant shows that the biomass of the second batch of corn applied with zinc fertilizer is better than CK (without a.

盆栽试验结果显示 ,施用锌肥后 ,两造玉米幼苗的生物产量都高于CK(未施用锌肥 ) ,在第一造中蛭石锌的增产量最高 ,而第二造中蒙脱石锌的增产量最高。

The result of pot experiment shows that, coated urea could reduce the loss of nitrogen(NH3+NOX)for 22.

以盆栽试验的方法研究了涂层尿素施入水田后NH3 和NOX 挥发损失情况。

Development control techniques for "Star gazer"(Lilium L.) pot culture;


Special varieties of tomato for ornamental and pot culture were selected and planted in autumn,seeding was done from the first ten days to the second ten days of August,and after 25 days the seedlings with 4~5 true leaves were transplanted to pots.

选择观赏盆栽专用番茄品种进行秋季栽培,于8月上旬至中旬播种,约25d后苗长出4~5片真叶后移植至花盆;根据植株生长情况适时施肥,水分管理以保持基质湿润为原则;控制温度,做好大棚通风降温工作;当每个花序有2~3朵小花开放时,用25m g/L防落素溶液喷花,提高坐果率;及时摘除老叶、病叶、虫孔叶、过多叶;注意防治病虫害;盆栽樱桃番茄移入室内生长期间要定期追施肥水,入冬后应尽可能在室内摆放。

Through tissue culture, aquaculture and pot culture transgenic poplars are tested with variant Nacl salt gradient.

以转 1 磷酸甘露糖醇脱氢酶基因的八里庄杨为试材 ,对获得的杨树转化体进行了不同NaCl梯度的组织培养、水培和盆栽试验。

In this paper potted experiment is employed to study the influence on corn s growth irrigated with reclaimed water of different quality(second and tertiary effluent water of Beijing Gaobeidian wastewater treatment plant) and different irrigation mode(irrigated with reclaimed water entirely、mixed(1∶1) and rotated(1∶1) with fresh water).


In this paper potted experiment is employed to study the influence on corn s growth irrigated with reclaimed water of different quality (second and tertiary effluent water of Beijing Gaobeidian wastewater treatment plant) and different irrigation mode (irrigated with reclaimed water entirely, mixed (1: 1) and rotated (1 : 1) with fre.


