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chromosomal substitution



1)chromosomal substitution,染色体置换2)chromosome_arm substitution lines,染色体臂置换系3)chromosome substitution line,染色体置换系4)chromosome segment substitution lines,染色体片段置换系5)CSSL,染色体片段置换系6)Chromosome substitution lines in upland cotton,陆地棉染色体置换系


Development of each alien species chromosome substitution line in upland cotton involves three stages:(a) development of the respective TM-1-like hypoaneuploid stock,(b)use of the cytogenetic stock as recurrent parent in a recurrent backcrossing program to create a monosomic or monotelodisomic substitution stock,followed by(c)inbreeding to recover a euploid disomic substitution line.


A set of chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs),derived from Asominori/IR24 with Asominori as the recurrent parent,was planted and phenotyped for grain length (GL),grain width (GW) and length-width ratio (LWR) of milled rice in two successive years and four sites.

利用Asominori×IR2 4的染色体片段置换系 (CSSLs)群体 ,对稻米粒长、粒宽和长宽比进行连续两年及 4个地点的QTL表达稳定性分析。

Using an indica variety 93-11,a japonica variety Nipponbare and seven chromosome segment substitution lines(CSSLs)with a genetic background of 93-11 introgressed from Nipponbare as the materials,we investigated seed shattering with 153 simple sequence repeat(SSR)markers on rice chromosomes,the introgressed segment and the quantitative trait loci(QTL)for seed shattering.


In the paper,with an indica variety 93-11,a japonica variety Nipponbare and 8 chromosome segment substitution lines(CSSLs) with the genetic background of 93-11 introgressed from Nipponbare as the materials,using 153 SSR markers distributed on 12 rice chromosomes,the substituted segment and the QTLs for grain shape were analyzed.


NC II(10×6) experiment derived from crossing between 10 indica-japonica chromosome segment substitution lines(CSSLs) with uniform japonica genome background and 6 japonica testers was conducted to analyze GCA,SCA,and relative genetic parameters of target chromosome segments.


NC Ⅱ(10×6)experiment derived from crossing between 10 indica-japonica chromosome segment substitution lines(CSSLs)with japonica genome background and 6 japonica testers had been conducted to analyze GCA,SCA and relative genetic parameters of target chromosome segments.

利用10个以粳稻为遗传背景、籼稻为供体的染色体片段置换系(CSSL)及6个粳稻测验种为材料,按 NCⅡ设计,分析了籼粳亚种间杂种在10个染色体区段上的配合力效应及遗传力等参数。

