David J. Gross and the Discovery of Asymptotic Freedom;
Due to the theoretical discovery of asymptotic freedom for the strong interaction (a fundamental interaction) and later experimental confirmations, three American theoretical physicists (David J.
David Politzer)、弗兰克·维里茨克(FrankWilczek)3 位理论物理学家因为揭示出了强相互作用的“渐近自由”特性和这一特性被后来实验所证实,获得了 2004 年度的诺贝尔物理奖。
David Politzer for their decisive contributions to the theory of the asymptotic freedom of the strong interaction (a fundamental interaction).
DavidPolitzer),弗兰克·维里茨克(FrankWilczek)三位理论物理学家,以表彰他们揭示出了强相互作用的 '渐近自由 '特性。