圣地朝圣者中世纪欧洲的朝圣者,其带着一个棕榈枝作为到过圣地的标记 A medieval European pilgrim who carried a palm branch as a token of having visited the Holy Land.
棕榈树或树蕨的树干 The trunk of a palm or tree fern.
棕榈叶徽章棕榈叶型小勋章,军事荣誉勋章的附加装饰,已不止一次地授予过此勋章 A small metallic representation of a palm leaf added to a military decoration that has been awarded more than one time.
街心花园里有两三棵枝繁叶茂的棕榈树。 There were two or three palm trees flourishing in the promenade garden.