如果你不能从钉子头处拔出钉子的话,就从板子的另一面把钉子打出来。 If you can't pull the nails out by their heads, punch them out from the other side of the board.
纸板由几层纸糊在一起或由压制的纸浆做成的薄而牢固的板子 A thin, firm board made of sheets of paper pasted together or pressed paper pulp.
脊椎矫正板放于一个颈部或背部受伤的人身体下的板子,尤指用这种方式运送某人以避免受到更大的伤害 A board placed beneath the body of a person with an injury to the neck or back, used especially in transporting the person in such a way as to avoid further injury.